Alive Again


Today I experienced that rare gift of adult life: an empty calendar. So, in the late afternoon, when the temperature climbed above sixty, I struck out for a long walk on our neighborhood trail.

It was glorious.

Not only was the time mine and the weather warm, but the sky was blue, trees were budding, birds were swooping, and squirrels were unearthing their treasures. The revitalized energy of spring was overwhelming.

Have you noticed too? Suddenly it feels like the world is awake again, abuzz with new life. And that energy is contagious.  

I believe that the abundance of spring is an invitation to shake off the hunker-down and hoarding mentality of winter.

Its effervescence encourages us to dream big.

Its steady renewal stirs optimism and determination.

Its wildness promises a rich palette for creating.

Spring, with all its enchanting enthusiasm, beckons us into the future.  

Let’s March.



