Death for dummies, pt 4: Equity at the end

October is the spooky season and an excellent time for practicing memento mori. I’ll be sharing a death education feature each week this month. See the full series here.

Part 4: Equity at the end

Death comes to all; however, experiences vary.

At its best, the end of life can be affirming, connective, and meaningful (even as we grieve). At its worst, it can be dehumanizing and cause unnecessary suffering.

Though some differences are simply tragic, others are unjust. Death and dying are yet another arena where equity work is ongoing. 

Learn more and connect into EOL equity movements here:

Everybody should know gentleness, comfort, respect, and belonging when their time comes. Every. Body. 

*This collection was informed by the excellent curated resource page at Death Positive DC.

GIF by @jjjjjohn.