We have turned the year

In Wintering: the Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times, Katherine May describes a Winter Solstice gathering at Stonehenge. At the moment the sun crested the horizon, the crowd exchanged warm greetings, saying to one another, “We have turned the year.” This is a reference to the Eightfold Wheel of Life, which, in Druid and Pagan traditions, honors solar and lunar cycles and the patterns that connect all life.

It begins and ends with Yule, or Winter Solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere in 2022, this happens at 4:48 PM ET on Wednesday, December 21.

We have turned the year, indeed. I love the way this phrase celebrates both the active energy of our endeavors and the inevitable, ineffable cycle of life.

Happy solstice to all who celebrate! Bring on the light.

Related: Don’t fight the winter.

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