April challenge: energy and rest

Your challenge, if you want it, is to track your energy/rest and look for patterns. Though we can’t always control which work we do when, understanding how your energy flows and how you like to rest is good for both planning and values alignment. Here is an April 2021 worksheet to support you (keep scrolling for an undated version):

Click image to access a full-sized version of the April 2021 tracker.

Click image to access a full-sized version of the April 2021 tracker.

To learn more about cognitive energy patterns and productivity, check out this post. I also recommend following Tricia Hersey at The Nap Ministry for a social justice framework of rest as resistance that is significantly more ambitious than the usual productivity narratives.

P.S. Here is an undated version for future tracking:

Click image to access a full-sized version of the undated tracker.

Click image to access a full-sized version of the undated tracker.