Four questions: creative comedown

Pamela Slim recently shared these helpful questions for recalibrating after a big creative project. And what has the past year+ been, if not a massive, unwanted project that required absurd levels of creativity? Maybe you finished some normal projects too.🙌🏼 Here are a few things to ask yourself before you move on:

How has my advice to others changed?

What have I learned about my ideal customers, clients, audience, patrons, donors, etc…?

What do I really want?

What do I absolutely have to fix?

1. How has my advice to others changed?

I have embraced the power of (1) consistency in small, intentional actions, (2) radical self-acceptance, and (3) expansive spaces for observation, feeling, and healing (time space, physical space, cognitive space, community space, spiritual space, etc…). I am also trying to listen more, reflect back my clients’ wisdom, and challenge them on their own terms—rather than push advice. Finally, I have shifted from a static view of meaningful work to a dynamic framework of callings, needs, and potential.

2. What have I learned about my ideal clients, audience, etc.?

I have learned that my ideal clients and readers want to live, dammit! They aren’t afraid to work hard, and they do. But, they hate bullshit. They want off the treadmill, out of the rut, off with the (metaphorical) mask—into freedom. They want to do good, be just, and enjoy the ride.

3. What do I really want?

I too want to do good, be just, and enjoy the ride. I want financial security and independence. I want to create and contribute without attachment to external validation. I want to be healthy, at ease with myself, happy in my marriage, and at peace in my relationships. I also want to see aallllllll the concerts. 😉

4. What do I absolutely have to fix?

I could improve on many things, but I don’t see myself as a fixer. I absolutely have to encourage others to know, love, and be themselves. I absolutely have to be me.