The work we do together

This 20th anniversary of 9/11, I’m reading about:

Grieving Together

Grieving is an act of revolutionary love. Grieving together, we ease each other’s suffering and come to know each other. Only when we know each other can we understand how to stand up and fight for each other—and the world we want.

—Valarie Kaur, See No Stranger

Remembering Together

What, then, does remembering come to mean on a 20th anniversary, or at any juncture when an event like 9/11 starts to recede into the past — starts to become history — even as its echoes are still shaking the foundations of everything?

—Ted Anthony, “As the decades pass, the act of remembering evolves.”

Peacebuilding Together

Conflicts only fully end when the delicate threads of peace have been steadily and quietly woven by ordinary, dedicated folk. 

—Tobias Jones, “Hail the Peacebuilders”

May we become better at and stronger for this essential labor.

Justice, Work, LifeJennifer Phillips