A fierce word on resolutions

I am loving this fierce word on resolutions from Nadia Bolz-Weber:


May you remember that there is no resolution that, if kept, will make you more worthy of love. There is no resolution that, if kept, will make life less uncertain and allow you to control a pandemic and your children and the way other people act.  

—Nadia Bolz-Weber, A Blessing for a New Year

Let’s start with the bummer: There is no resolution that, if kept, will make life less uncertain and allow you to control a pandemic and your children and the way other people act.”

Not only is this true, but it’s one of those realities that we twist ourselves into knots to avoid. Most of us are very good at pretending otherwise…as if we can in fact control the outcome of that COVID test, or our child’s academic performance, or whether Uncle Bursey is watching FOX or MSNBC. But down deep we know better.

And now for the good news: There is no resolution that, if kept, will make you more worthy of love.”

Call it grace, call it human rights, or call it simple decency. The point is, we can’t earn it. We can only accept it, offer it, and let it work its magic. This year, may we begin to do exactly that. Cheers.