The messy here and now
Magic in the moment. (Keep reading for what actually happened.)
Invitations to inhabit the messy here and now:
I’ve been listening to the Ram Dass lectures, where “be here now” is a core teaching.
A dear friend observed that attuning to the present has become an important health strategy.
A coaching colleague affirmed the wisdom of listening to the body.
The Oliver Wood Trio offered “chocolate on my tongue” as lifeline in an uncertain world. (Great show BTW, very groovy.)
I heard the density of the word today in Martin Luther King Jr.’s prophesy. Even as he gazed from the mountaintop, he stood firmly in the present: “I have a dream today.”
Today. Here and now.
Magic in the moment.
Where we are, as we are.
In the messy here and now.
Magic in the moment where we are, as we are. In the messy here and now.
“The next message you need is always right where you are. ”
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