Listen Like You Mean It
Listen Like You Mean It is a solid resource on communication. I was impressed by both how thorough and how accessible the book is…even skimming it will provide a good framework for the listening skillset. I’ve been through a lot of training on listening, so I didn’t find a lot of new-new information here. However, I did flag exercises for clients and took notes on how Vengoechea organizes and then demystifies a complicated “soft” skill. I’m glad to add this title to my professional quiver. (This review was originally posted in August 2022.)
“Too often, we “solve” for miscommunication by focusing only on what we say and how we’re saying: if only we could get our message across, things would be much easier. As a result, we may decide to adjust our messaging or turn up the volume. But when we focus solely on our capabilities as speakers, we risk turning our conversation partners into an audience rather than equal collaborators.”