No calling, no problem

Over the years, I have disliked the pretension of “polymath,” rejected “generalist” as boring, and avoided “jack of all trades” as too self-deprecatory. I love “Renaissance woman,” but I struggle to use it with a straight face. Does a good label for the restless energy of seekers even exist?

This comes up in my coaching practice, but it is also a sensitive area for me personally. I have, at times, felt bad for “failing” to commit to a linear career with predictable milestones. My path has been deeply interesting, but circuitous, and I sometimes feel left behind by specialists who have been able to climb ladders much faster than me.

Like any good coach, I know that kind of self-doubt can really hold me back. (Physician, heal thyself.)

So, I found this TED talk by Emily Wapnick deeply freeing: “Why some of us don’t have one true calling.” She teaches that it is not just okay, but actually a superpower to be a curious seeker who doesn’t pick just one thing. Because of that, she encourages everyone to “embrace their inner wiring,” specialists and seekers alike. And she proposes new terminology…

To my ears, “multipotentialite” strikes an empowering chord.